3 Tips to Enjoy Outdoor Adventures Amid Travel Restrictions


With the ongoing pandemic, travel restrictions remain in place in many countries and states. People who intend to travel for work or leisure have restricted access to where they need to go, and many are confined to stay within borders as a result.

However, some people have found creative ways to experience the thrill of travel and the outdoors even amid the pandemic. To continue their passion for discovery and adventure, many decide to explore the beautiful places around them. They believe that the best adventures do not necessarily have to be in distant places.

If you’d like to experience the same fun as they do, here are some tips on how you can continue and enjoy your outdoor adventures despite the current restrictions:

Tip #1: Travel locally

Studies have found that people who are in open areas are less likely to get infected by the coronavirus. That is why traveling to local public parks, which are not crowded, is a great idea during this time. Find local parks or green spaces where you can peacefully camp with a few loved ones or friends. Although the risk is less, make sure to observe the health guidelines in your area.

By traveling locally, you get to enjoy the beautiful places in your area and continue your regular outdoor adventures. At the same time, you can save a lot of money without risking your, your loved ones’, and other people’s health.

Tip #2: Enjoy local delicacies

Now that you are exploring your nearby state parks and camping sites, why not level up your experience by trying out the local delicacies. While on your way to your campsite, look for establishments that serve local meals, desserts, snacks, and beverages. Bring those to your campsite and enjoy your outdoor adventure while savoring their tasty food.

Instead of bringing food from groceries, consider buying from local stores to save costs. More importantly, you will be helping them earn a little cash by buying their products amid the pandemic. Who knows? Your small purchase may mean a lot to them.

Tip #3: Bring practical camping gear

To make your outdoor adventure memorable and fun, make sure to bring the essential camping gear with you. You don’t need to buy the expensive kind to enjoy your experience, especially this time where you want to avoid spending on unnecessary things.

Start by listing down the essential items that you would need, such as a good-sized tent, lamps, personal hygiene supplies, and the like. If you want to enjoy a particular activity when camping, perhaps grilling a few steaks, make sure to bring handy cooking equipment. If you enjoy stargazing at night, you may want to bring that 76700 telescope you’ve been keeping or borrow one from a friend.


This pandemic may have created a lot of missed opportunities, but that doesn’t mean that it should stop you from doing what you love. Despite travel restrictions, you can still enjoy outdoor adventures by traveling locally and savoring local delicacies. Have fun and reward yourself for your hard work, but remember to be a responsible individual by practicing health guidelines.

If you are looking for a camping store in St. Louis to buy camping gear for your next trip, visit our online shop today! Our products will surely make you well-equipped for your next outdoor adventures.